Best Apps for Working from an iPad

Working from an iPad can be really handy, especially if you are out and about and hate lugging around a laptop. Apps can be the difference between you giving up on your iPad or it becoming your best tool when on the go!

Take a look at some of these useful apps that will help you work easier when you are travelling.


A brilliant way of automating some of your most repetitive tasks. There is more than likely a task on your iPad that can be sped up to improve how efficiently you work. Workflow is an automation app for iOS that lets you create workflows for those annoying and tedious tasks.


The best way to sign and send back any important documents you have. Save time having to get back to the office or printing! What business doesn’t want to be environmentally friendly nowadays, or at least to feel that they are being better at looking after the environment- every little helps right?

Genius Scan+ PDF Scanner 

Simply take pictures of your documents with your iPad’s camera Genius Scan will turn them into PDFs. This is fantastic if you are creating proposals on the go or need to sign and send a paper document you have in your possession. You can even reduce huge stacks of paper that may be lying around and have them sent straight to your Dropbox or OneDrive.


Another environmentally friendly solution! If you like to make notes during meetings/events/lectures what-ever but you are sick of carrying around a notepad or laptop for doing so, Penultimate is your answer. And it’s free to download.


And if notes aren’t your think, then MindNode could be your solution. MindNode is a clever Mind Map creation app. Allow your thoughts to be organised and shared easily. Add photos to your maps and create connections between otherwise unrelated topics. You can easily rearrange your map too if your thought process changes.

If you need any help with these applications or have any questions about using iPads work please give us a call on 01524 581 690. You can also read another blog of ours on the iOS and Android Apps you need in your life.

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