The Rise of Voice Technology
The modern world is consistently evolving to make our everyday lives easier. From self-driving cars to cashier-less shops, our lives are significantly improved by ever advancing technologies. One of the latest technologies to start proving itself as an essential is voice technology, but where is it going, and what are the implications of it?
Amazon Echo
The latest voice is here and her name is Alexa. Amazon has released their very own virtual assistant who can do everything from adding items to a shopping list to turning the lights off in your home. This latest addition to the market is proving itself to be largely reliable and incredibly useful. Of course, there are teething problems with any new technology and the story of a 6-year-old girl who accidently ordered a $160 dollhouse and a 4lb tin of biscuits has highlighted the need for proper parental controls!
Where Do We Go From Here?
It looks as though we should expect to see more and more voice technology, particularly in the realm of voice assistants. We are already using them at a high level with Siri taking over 2bn commands a week. However, there are still concerns regarding security and privacy with questions being raised about when devices listen, how they store conversations and how long for.
The Implications
As voice technology evolves, we are also seeing the progression of artificial intelligence. It seems as though in the future, we will be doing less and less ourselves, and using more virtual assistants that help to make our lives easier. This is something that is sure to be a reality in both our personal lives and work lives, but only time will tell just how essential these virtual assistants become to our lives.
For the time being, virtual assistants haven’t branched out into the services provided by Q2Q, so when it comes to IT support, you should give us a call! If you would like to find out more about any of our services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of our friendly team by calling 01524 581 690 for Lancaster or 01772 395 693 for Preston.
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