What’s the best thing about working with Harrison?
- He’s really funny.
- We tend to have the same outlook on how things should be done, and how to work to do the best for our clients.
- Very dependable, always willing to help.
- Enthusiasm – pretty much always full of life…and time for others which is just lovely.
- The absolute confidence that he will always do what’s best for our clients.
What’s the worst thing about working with Harrison?
- His funny but addictive phrases and noises that you end up saying yourself before too long!
- Using his keyboard, it’s rank.
- He’s a Man United fan….no ones perfect!
What is Harrison the best at?
- He’s absolutely brilliant with the customers.
- Working through pretty much anything with a smile on his face.
- Smashing tickets.
- Always has time for others even when he’s busy himself….plus THE MAC expert (the computer and the golden arches snack).
- He’ll always put his hand up and volunteer for the tasks no one wants to do!
What is your favorite memory of working with Harrison?
- The office move project in London where we spent a few days working hard and having a great crack.
- The technical term for a website item is CNAME and he thought it was pronounced ‘Tsunami’.
- Him dispensing waaaay to many M&M’s at M&M world then handing them over to me….£25 quid and three fillings later.
- I’d have to say that our one to one meetings are always SO productive, he’s really grown over the past couple of years, and sees the bigger picture for Q2Q and frequently has great ideas on how to get things done more efficiently.
If you could change one thing about Harrison, what would it be?
- Needs to clean his keyboard.
If you could steal a particular talent from Harrison, what would it be?”
- His Charm.
- His relentlessly upbeat frame of mind.
- I wish I could do the orange justice dance like Harrison can.
- MAC wizardry for sure.