If Q2Q had a theme song, what would it be and why?
Smooth Operator by Sade, got to stay calm and collected in the IT game.
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever encountered at the office?
Martin’s ancient Windows phone.
Who’s the office prankster, and what’s the best prank they’ve pulled off?
Phil, he plugged a Bluetooth mouse into Harrison’s PC when he wasn’t looking. Harrison spent the next few hours certain that he needed a new mouse as it kept moving and clicking when he wasn’t doing anything.
What’s the most memorable team outing or event you’ve been to with Q2Q?
Tough Mudder and Total Warrior.
Who’s most likely to burst into song or dance during work hours?
Damien, he occasionally turns into a broken jukebox stuck on repeat.
If Q2Q had a mascot, what would it be and why?
A Tech Savy Owl, always proactively watching (nearly 360-degree swivel) in the background and solving small problems before they turn into big ones.
Who’s the mastermind behind the office snacks, and what’s their signature snack?
Sharyn, not really snacks, but her baked goods are always amazing. I can’t even choose a signature, as everything she bakes is phenomenal.
Describe your ideal office dress code if you could create one.
Everyone has to dress like they’re in “The Matrix”.
If Q2Q had a talent show, what unique talent would you showcase?
Playing the violin blindfolded.
Which 3 Q2Q teammates are on your zombie apocalypse team and why?
Martin (the navigator) – he knows every single road in the UK, definitely needed to make our way to a safe zone.
Ash (the strategist) – very organised and on the ball 24/7.
Harrison (the morale) – you need someone to make you laugh if you’re going to make it through a zombie Apocalypse, keeping your sanity.
What TV game show do you think you could win?
Total Wipeout, I convinced myself it was easy as a kid, and I still believe that to be the case.
If you were a professional boxer, what would you choose as your walk-out song?
“The Shire” from Lord of the Rings, it’s all about the mind games.
If aliens landed on Earth, who would you recommend they talk to?
Damien, “Your buddy has been here for a while”.
Do you have any siblings? Are you the eldest, middle or youngest child?
Youngest of 3, got two older brothers.
Where did you grow up?
Buckinghamshire and Nigeria.
What do you do to beat stress?
Call in sick, play some sports, or go to the gym.
What was your favourite cartoon as a kid?
“Everyday when I’m walking down the street” – Arthur.
What is your favourite local restaurant and why?
Aquilla’s, amazing pizza.
If you had an extra hour each day, what would you do with it?
Learn the Bass and start a band.
If you were a potato, how would you like to be cooked?
Potato pavé.
If you won £1millon on the lottery, what’s the first thing you would do?
Move to the countryside and build a Cob House.