I often talk about my Q2Q crew and how awesome they all are, but it’s financial year end results time at Q2Q, and I’ve taken some time to pause and reflect on our growth journey… so… minor brag incoming😉 

We’ll be celebrating our 20-year anniversary in June this year, and whilst the first fourteen years saw consistent steady growth, when I took over as MD in 2018, I focused more on HOW we were doing things internally as we’d reached the size where our processes needed to be locked in to ensure that we kept tight control as we grew.  The continuous improvement approach and attention to detail over the next two years started to really pay off in 2020, and the last four years have been quite exceptional.

Let’s take a moment to appreciate the milestones achieved from 2020 till now:

  1. Doubled Turnover: A testament to the hard work, dedication, and vision of the Q2Q team, doubling the turnover is no small feat. It reflects not only financial success but also the trust and confidence that clients have placed in the team’s expertise and service.
  2. More than Doubled Number of Clients: Building lasting relationships with clients is at the heart of any successful business. Q2Q’s ability to more than double our client base speaks volumes about our commitment to delivering exceptional IT support solutions tailored to each client’s unique needs. And we’re still tracking at 95% of that growth coming from referrals from existing clients!
  3. Team Expansion: From a tight-knit team of nine to a thriving family of sixteen and counting, Q2Q has grown not only in numbers but also in strength and expertise. Each new member brings their own unique talents and perspectives, enriching the team dynamic and enhancing Q2Q’s ability to innovate and excel. One of the aspects of the team that I am personally the proudest of is the breadth of knowledge across the technical team; there really seems to be no problem that they can’t find a solution to 😊
  4. Office Expansion: Moving from one office to three at City Lab in Lancaster symbolises Q2Q’s physical growth and presence in the community. It’s a testament to our ambition, resilience, and unwavering commitment to serving our clients with excellence.

Despite any challenges faced along the way, the Q2Q team has remained steadfast in our dedication to our core values. We’ve specifically embraced the “boring” stuff—consistency, continuous process improvement, and top-notch customer service—with enthusiasm and determination. Even when we’ve been knee-deep in projects and onboarding new clients, we’ve maintained standards of service to other clients. And it’s this commitment to the fundamentals that I believe has laid the foundation for our success.

Technical prowess is undoubtedly important in the IT industry, and I’ll be honest, this was the element that I was most nervous about when I first took over Q2Q, as I am the least technical person I know!! However, our success has proved that a clear vision, strong leadership, and a supportive team are equally essential ingredients for growth and prosperity. And even more important to me, it’s not just about the numbers; it’s about the journey, the relationships built, and the lives impacted along the way.

Our experience during Covid was particularly evident of this; we made sure we were ready; we threw everything into supporting our clients, including delayed payment plans, visiting their homes (with masks, of course!) when remote support couldn’t fix an issue, and rapidly adjusting their infrastructure to ensure they could work from home.  Many of our smaller clients said they wouldn’t have survived COVID if it hadn’t been for our quick-fire solutions, which, of course, makes me exceptionally proud. 

We also looked after each other as a team, finding time for the “office chat” that wasn’t as easy with us all being at home, and rallying around when any of the team were struggling with juggling work with kids being at home.  I’m not sure I’ve ever worked with a group of people that genuinely care so much about each other 🥰

As we look to the future, the horizon is bright for Q2Q and my incredible team. This new financial year is already looking like another year of significant growth, and with the team’s passion, expertise, and unwavering commitment to excellence, there’s no limit to what we can achieve together. 

If I could give any advice to other business owners, it would be to understand your clients, understand your people and understand your numbers in equal measure.

Here’s to many more years of growth, innovation, and success!