We’re going through a time of unprecedented change now. As an IT support firm, we’ve been flooded with requests to help our clients get ready to work from home and it’s important that we, as a nation, keep calm and carry on wherever possible.
Technology means that for Q2Q, we’ve moved to a remote working solution. While the firm has long-since been equipped to cater for employees who operate from outside our Lancaster office, it also means there won’t be disruption to the level of support our clients receive either – at a time when IT assistance is critical to business resilience.
Of course, COVID-19 isn’t the kind of technological virus we’re used to dealing with at Q2Q HQ – and we aren’t equipped to stop this as we would a piece of dastardly cyber tech – but we can follow all the necessary guidance around hand washing and abstain from social interaction as much as possible.
We genuinely care about doing our bit from our little corner of the globe, so my focus is a little different in this blog.
Why mental wellbeing is as important as physical health
Let’s move away from business and talk about our mental health. We may be confined to our homes and devoid of all social pleasantries over the coming weeks, but we must ensure we keep an eye on our mental health – as well as the state of mind of those around us.
If you’re stuck at home – whether you are able to work or not – keep in touch with your colleagues, talk to your friends and loved ones on the phone or via video call, and stop proactively seeking anxiety from social media channels!
While we’re all watching the global death toll climb, it’s important that we all appreciate some of the struggles facing our nation will be that of isolation. Physical and financial strains are obvious, but there will be people who need a boost to their own morale too.
On a practical level, could you use the regained morning commuting time to get some fresh air – away from the crowds of course – start a new exercise regime at home, or even learn to meditate? By the same token, if you usually spend 45 minutes driving home from work only to put some fish fingers and chips in the oven for tea, why not learn to cook from scratch and dream up feasts using the ingredients you have at the back of your cupboard?
We’ve seen folks stripping the supermarket shelves of handwash, pasta and beans, but rather than battling with the crowds in your local Asda, why not play board games with your children, give elderly relatives a call or speak to a neighbour to see if they need you to cook an extra portion of tea and leave it at their door?
How can SMEs protect themselves through COVID-19?
Sports teams up their performance when a player is sent off, and technological advancements are phenomenal during world wars. This global pandemic has presented the population with an opportunity to pull together to see just how much we can achieve – in whatever ‘team’ we are part of.
In a business sense, the squad at Q2Q are an incredibly close-knit gang, but already we’re seeing new levels of teamwork, finding our way around remote communication, and having each other’s backs. I’ve always been proud of my team, but the past few days have been hectic as we get clients set up remotely – and the collaborative spirit has been incredibly humbling to see.
While it seems like there is no end in sight, and the worst is yet to come, try and flip your mindset and imagine looking back on this period as a moment in time where the world hit pause and everyone – regardless of social status, race or nationality – cared for each other, and kept smiling.
This isn’t a sales pitch, far from it. But, if we can help you with anything technology-wise, drop us an email and we will be happy to offer some advice, or see what we can do to keep you connected. At the same time, if you’re feeling emotionally disconnected and don’t know what to do for the best, we’re happy to have a chat over the phone – even if it’s just for a few minutes.
Staying safe, healthy, and positive will make a huge difference for your mindset and inner narrative. The kettle is always on a Q2Q HQ, so get in touch with us here.